The Official Website of the Town of Windermere

Contact - Official Website of the Town of Windermere, Florida


Chair Nora Brophy

Vice Chair Tracy Mitchell



Shery Cassidy

Dena O’Malley

Sue Anne Reichard

Jill Ata

Tracy McLaughlin

Stephen Dimino

Council Liaison Mandy David

Please visit the Parks & Recreation Committee’s Facebook page

Please do not use the “Contact Us” form below to request information on rentals, keys, Food Truck events, or the Farmers Market: none of these are administered by Parks & Recreation.


The following are not administered through Parks and Recreation.

Please reach out to the appropriate party for further information.

Boat Ramp KeyLilian Colli407-909-5327
Tennis KeyLilian Colli407-909-5372
Pavilion RentalUse the form on this page
Town Hall RentalUse the form on this page
Special Event PermitKristin Riley407-876-2563 ext 5321
Food Truck EventsMore info here
Farmers Market EventsRobert Rinaldon/a

Contact Parks & Recreation

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