The Town of Windermere is home to a total of six tennis courts at two different locations: three courts are located at the Windermere Recreation Center and three are located at the Park Among the Lakes.
Tennis Pass
All Windermere courts are lighted, gated, and resident-only*. Purchase a Windermere Tennis Pass for gate keys as well as enrollment in Windermere’s Tennis Membership Program.
Keys may be purchased for $25 and are valid from October 1 – September 30 of each year. The same key works at both sets of courts. Get your keys early as keys are not prorated when bought later in the year. Get started by downloading the Tennis Member Pass form here.
Tennis Passes will be handled through the Administrative Office in Building at 614 Main Street. This building is open to the public Monday – Friday from 8am – 4:00pm (closed daily from 12pm – 1pm for lunch).
For more information on purchasing a key, please contact the Administration Office at 407-876-2563 or email:
The Tennis Court’s rental is only allowed for Tennis Leagues – Agreement HERE!
For more information contact the Administration Office at 407-876-2563 or email:
Please note that resident is defined as living within the 2.2sq miles of incorporated Windermere. Please verify your address before completing a tennis pass form; the majority of “Windermere” addresses are actually located within Un-Incorporated Orange County and thus do not qualify for a pass. View the incorporated limits of Windermere here.
Tennis Regulations
If you witness or suspect a violation taking place, please call the 24-hour non-emergency number so that it can be addressed: 407-905-6333
1) Property owners and residents of the Town of Windermere may be Tennis Members. Tennis Members and their guests may use the Town tennis courts, but only for recreational play.
2) A Town property owner or Town resident is a Tennis Member only if he, she or his or her family has a current annual Tennis Pass. A per-family tennis court use pass fee in an amount to be set annually by resolution of the Town Council will be paid directly to the Town. Unless and until new fees are established by resolution of the Town Council, the tennis court use pass fee shall be $25.00. The passes shall be renewable each year by a date set by resolution of the Town Council. Unless and until the Town Council adopts a resolution changing the renewal date, tennis court use passes shall be renewable on or before October 1.
3) The gates to the tennis courts will be locked and a key will be issued with each pass. Replacement keys are available for $5.00 each. Tennis Members are responsible for locking the tennis court gate after use.
4) The following court rules will apply: (i) tennis shoes only, no black soles, will be worn while on the courts; (ii) shirts must be worn at all times; (iii) no glass containers or alcoholic beverages allowed on the courts; (iv) no animals, skating, bicycles, skateboards, roller blades etc. on the courts; (v) players are limited one hour if other players are waiting or a maximum of two hours; (vi) a guest must play with a Tennis Member; (vii) a Tennis Member and his or her guest may play on only one court at a time; and (viii) the last Tennis Member exiting the courts must lock the gate to secure the courts.
5) League play is addressed separately in the Town of Windermere League Play Regulation and Agreement. Contact the Administration Office at 407-876-2563 or email:
6) A Tennis Member may have an outside professional coach for individual lessons, provided the above regulations are observed; one Tennis Member per court. The rule of first come, first served, will be observed by all Tennis Members. A Tennis Member cannot reserve a court for their tennis lesson. A professional coach must be a Tennis Member to coach a person who is not a property owner or resident of the Town.
Tennis court use passes and keys are for the use of Windermere residents only, and may not be copied or loaned. Violation of the rules will result in the following:
Violation 1: Should a non-member of an applicant’s household have the applicant’s key and/or pass to the tennis courts without prior authorization of the Town, such key and/or pass will be confiscated and the applicant’s household will not be eligible for renewal for 1 year from the date of the offense.
Violation 2: Should a non-member of the applicant’s household have the applicant’s key or pass to the tennis courts without prior authorization of the Town for a second time, such key and/or pass will be confiscated and the applicant’s household will not be eligible for renewal for 2 years from the date of the offense.
Violation 3: Should a non-member of the applicant’s household possess a forged, counterfeit, or duplicate key and/or pass, the key and/or pass will be confiscated as well as the applicant’s key and pass. Furthermore, the applicant’s household will be precluded from obtaining a pass for 2 years from the date of offense, and the non-resident will be trespassed from the tennis courts for 1 year.
Additionally, any person violating the rules set forth above may be punished by a fine not to exceed $200.00.
Court Reservations
Lately, Town Staff has received troubling reports of residents not being able to use the tennis courts due to unauthorized reservations, tennis coaches coaching non-residents, and other inappropriate court usage.
At this time, individuals and coaches are not permitted to reserve courts. Courts may only be reserved for Town and Parks & Recreation-sponsored events, or for tennis leagues that have gone through the lengthy approval process, which includes verifying that a percentage of the league’s membership are Windermere residents. Leagues are limited to two courts at a time. Currently, only two leagues have been approved to reserve courts: one league at the Windermere Recreation Center and one at the Main Street Courts. The Town has not granted permission to any coach to reserve courts or train non-residents on Windermere courts.
The Tennis Court’s rental is only allowed for Tennis Leagues – Agreement HERE!
Unfortunately, unauthorized reservation signage has been discovered at the Recreation Center courts. Official Windermere reservation signage will ALWAYS have the name of the league or event the courts are reserved for. A list of approved leagues and events can be cross-referenced on the bulletin boards outside each court location.
Residents who have purchased a tennis pass are welcome to utilize the services of a tennis coach while on the courts and can bring a friend to the courts. Coaches are prohibited from teaching non-residents on Windermere courts. Tennis members may not loan or make copies of their keys for coaches, friends, or others. Please refer to the tennis regulations in the above section.
These policies are in place to help ensure that the residents who pay for yearly access to the tennis courts can use the courts.
If you witness inappropriate reservations or usage of the courts, please utilize the 24/7 non-emergency number posted at the courts to make a report. This will allow WPD to be dispatched, access the situation, and take the necessary steps toward resolution:
24/7 Non-Emergency Line: 407-905-6333
Thank you for your understanding and help ensuring that Windermere’s courts are open and accessible for our residents!
Tennis Events
Windermere Tennis Members (residents who have a current tennis key) will be notified via email from Parks & Recreation about various tennis mixers that happen throughout the year, some of which will include coaching from tennis pros. Check back here to see upcoming events.