The Official Website of the Town of Windermere

RFP 2021-01 Solid Waste Services - Official Website of the Town of Windermere, Florida

RFP 2021-01 Solid Waste Services

RFP 2021-01 Solid Waste Services – Due by 5pm EST on March 10, 2021


Below are some FAQs we have received in regard to this RFP. Please note, we are working on providing certain requested materials. These are noted, and will be available by March 1, 2021.

Town of Windermere Florida RFP #2021-01 Residential Solid Waste, Bulk Waste, and Recycling Services


  • Will the Town provide six (6) months of invoice copies from your current service provider.  Attached February 2021


  • Will the Town provide a copy of your current Residential Solid Waste, Bulk waste, and recycling services contract with the current service provider.  Attached TOW / Waste Pro Contract


  • We request the current route maps of the current provider (to ensure a smooth transition and less confusion for the residents) for Tuesday = Garbage and Recycling, Wednesday = yard waste & Friday = garbage collection.  Per current vendor “we run the entire Town on the designated collection days”


  • The maps and times are requested to meet the requirements that the Town has on page 8 that stated, “respondent will agree that at a minimum to maintain the current collection times and frequency to create a seamless program transition.” Working with current vendor to provide.  However, this goes directly to service approach.


  • Will the Town provide copies of three (3) months of the reports that the current contractor is submitting to the Town. We will work with Finance to provide. (March 1st)


  • The Town currently has customer provided trash containers. Would the City entertain a bid with the hauler providing the residents with a 95 or 65 gallon cart for trash? Yes, but as an add alternative


  • Will the Town consider an extra cart price for those needing additional services. Not at this time since the cost is recouped through a tax assessment.  They will need to buy directly from Vendor


  • Is there a maximum number or large items that can be placed at the curb during the twice a year bulk events? We work within reason and take on case by case basis. 


  • ALL customer complaints shall be resolved in 48 hours of notice.  What will be the Town’s expectation of contractor of resident not placing carts at curb for either service for a particular week that calls in they were missed the following week?  We will resolve as best we can and on case by case basis


  • Will the Town consider an alternate bid utilizing 96 gallon or 65 gallon carts for recycle collections?  Yes, but as an add alternative


  • Will the Town provide Monthly tonnage reports for waste collected by category?  If the Town is not provided this information will they request this information from their current service provider?  Attached Monthly Tonnages


  • The Town has a 65 gallon cart provided by the current hauler for the recycling. Are these carts owned by the Town or are they owned by Waste Pro?   If owned by the hauler, then is it a correct statement that the new hauler will be required to provide new carts?  Does it matter if it is a 65 or 95 gallon cart?  Does the Town have a preference of what size? No preference.  The carts are owned by hauler


  • What is the expected start date for the new contractor if selected? 10/1/21


  • Can the Town describe the number of local events and community events that the Town would like for the provider to support?  One Dumpster for these events; usually 1-2 a month


  • Is there a limit on the yard waste that is collected at the curb?  I.e. residents can put out 2 – 4 yards per week and anything over must be a special pick-up?  Yes, please see current guidelines.  Anything is violation will be tagged


  • Can you outline the locations of the containers that are to be serviced that are on Town property such as at City Hall, Town square, at the parks, boat ramps, etc.?  Town Hall & Town Facilities. 


  • Are there any roads or streets that are unpassable by the trucks in the Town and that need any special collections?     Meaning weight limits, trees, overhanging wires?  Most of the Town has dirt roads (small) and a large tree canopy.  It is up to the hauler to determine best service approach. 


  • During storm events does the Town have a vegetative waste or storm debris collector?   What services are expected to be provided from the residential solid waste hauler to collect storm debris?  Yes.  We require a plan to maintain service during storm events. 


  • If the Town does not have a storm debris collector would it entertain a contract with the new solid waste provider to provide storm debris collection? Yes, we would, when we RFQ or RFP for this service


  • Can you verify that the performance bond will be set at 100% of the annual contract price? Yes


  • Can you provide specifics on the “free services” for the City? (ex: size of containers used for each event, number of containers for each event, number of days that each event runs) One Dumpster for events mentioned above.  Some events request disposable recycling boxes.


  • Can you confirm that the current vendor owns the 65 gal. recycling carts?  Yes


  • Will the current vendor be removing all recycling carts from the City if they are not the successful bidder?  Yes, or the new vendor has the option to buy from current hauler


  • Can you confirm where the current vendor is delivering all recyclables collected curbside?  Yes


  • Can you provide the actual tonnage collected in 2019, 2020 for solid waste, recyclables and yard waste? Attached Tonnages


  • What is the term of the new contract? Any extensions? 3 Years initial with 2 years extension option. 


  • Will a CPI index be included in the new contract? All Urban or Water/Sewer/Trash?  Yes


  • Recycling Processing increases – will there be language for this and the ability to adjust rates in the upcoming contract?  Yes


  • Is Windermere still participating in the interlocal agreement with Orange County requiring disposal to go to their facilities?  Yes


  • Could you please clarify if our proposed rates have to include disposal? If so, could you please provide both final destination and tipping/processing fees for each material?  See attached contract


  • Could you please provide the current collection rates paid to the incumbent (curbside service, rear door service and additional services)? Attached Cost Accounting – Refuse 20-21


  • Could you please provide the recent history of any Liquidated Damages on a monthly and or an annual total? None


  • Will Windermere be willing to consider a potential change on the Recycling collection day (either Monday or Thursday instead of Tuesday)? By doing that the Town will see an economic benefit by a proposer being able to purchase less trucks and have less routes operating.  We will  present as a Town Council Discussion Item
  • Is there a monthly report that Waste Pro submits to the Town ( not the invoice ) but any other reports like for recycling, etc. ? No.