Farmers Market
Town Hall 520 Main Street, Windermere, FL, United StatesJoin us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
Join Us for Light Up Windermere on Friday, November 22nd! The event will take place at Town Square Park (520 Main Street), will run 5:00pm - 9:30pm and will feature […]
Our offices will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, December 2nd. We are wishing you and your loved ones a happy and relaxing Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving! Famers Market CANCELLED on November 29th, will re-open December 6th.
Unless otherwise indicated, meetings are held at 5:00pm on the first Monday of each month in the Community Conference Room located at 614 Main Street. Agenda will be posted 7 days prior to the meeting HERE.
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
Town of Windermere Residents 60+ Gather at Town Hall (520 Main Street) on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm for our Holiday Windermere Social Luncheon 60+! […]
Town Council Meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Town Hall. Agenda will be posted 7 days prior to the meeting HERE. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 890 7684 6425 Passcode: TOW2024 One tap mobile: +1(305)224-1968, 89076846425# US
Tree Board Subcommittee Working Sessions - Draft Tree Ordinance Both sessions will be held at 10:00 am Location: Public Works Conference Room Work Session 1 – 12/11/2024 Work Session 2 – 01/08/2025 Subcommittee members: Frank Krens Vicki Hearst Olga Aleksandrova Pam Schrimsher Elena LaRochelle
Historic Preservation Board Special Virtual Meeting Thursday 12/12 at 11:00 am Community Conference Room 614 Main Street, Building 1oo
Unless otherwise noted, the Parks & Recreation Committee meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at Town Hall (520 Main Street). Agenda will be posted 7 days prior to the meeting HERE.
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
This meeting was cancelled as per request of our Building Department. Unless otherwise noted, the DRB meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Town Hall (520 Main Street) at 6:30 pm. The agenda will be posted 7 days before the meeting HERE.
Unless otherwise specified, the Windermere Active Youth Committee "WAY", will hold its meetings every 3rd Tuesday of every month. This meeting will take place at the PD Training Room (614 Main Street, Building 100) at 7:00 pm. Agendas will be posted HERE days prior to the meeting.
Unless otherwise specified, the Windermere Tree Board meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 9:15am in the Community Conference Room located at 614 Main Street. Agenda will be posted 7 days prior to the meeting HERE.
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
Join the Holiday Spirit at Windermere's Holiday Movie Night! A special Food Truck event at Town Square Park (520 Main Street) from 5:30 to 9:30 pm. The movie "How The […]
Virtual, unless specified otherwise.
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
Unless otherwise indicated, meetings are held at 5:00pm on the first Monday of each month in the Community Conference Room located at 614 Main Street. Agenda will be posted 7 days prior to the meeting HERE.
Tree Board Subcommittee Working Sessions - Draft Tree Ordinance Both sessions will be held at 10:00 am Location: Public Works Conference Room Work Session 1 – 12/11/2024 Work Session 2 – 01/08/2025 Subcommittee members: Frank Krens Vicki Hearst Olga Aleksandrova Pam Schrimsher Elena LaRochelle
Unless otherwise noted, the Parks & Recreation Committee meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at Town Hall (520 Main Street). Agenda will be posted 7 days prior to the meeting HERE.