Farmers Market
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you're wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you're wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
The Current Development Review Board has been cancelled. The Board is scheduled to meet again on 4/16/2024 at 6:30pm. Town Hall 520 Main Street Windermere, FL 34786 Please see the […]
Please see the meeting agenda below: Agenda Topic: RFQ 2024-01 Engineering Services Time: Mar 21, 2024 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting […]
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
Wild about trying new foods, or hearing a new band? Join up with your friends and family at the Windermere Food Truck night!
Event takes place at 614 Main Street. Program: 7:15 – 7:20 pm Welcome, Opening Prayer by Chaplain Wes Beacham, Call to Order (Pledge of Allegiance and Star-Spangled Banner Sung by Officer Gladys Justiniano) 7:20 – 7:25 pm Town of Windermere Remembers, Town Council Member Tony Davit 7:25 – 7:30 pm Mr. Tim German, […]
Please see the agenda for the Historical Preservation workshop: Agenda This meeting will be held at: The PD Training Room
The Long Range Planning Committee will have a Meeting 3/28/2024 at 6:00pm. The meeting will be located in the Town Hall at 520 Main Street. View the agenda: See Agenda Here
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
We apologize for any confusion, this event will not take place at the Town Square, it is a community wide event that will take place in the streets of Windermere. The Easter Bunny will not be stationed right in front of Town Square, but in a truck. It is more of a parade style event. […]
Unless otherwise noted, the Historic Preservation Board meets the 1st Monday of the month at 5:00pm. Meetings are held in the Community Conference Room located at 614 Main Street, Building 100. Agendas are posted a week in advance: This meeting has been cancelled. The next meeting for this Committee is May 6th.
This Workshop will be rescheduled. It is a workshop to refresh board members the Sunshine Laws. Please See Agenda Here
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
Unless otherwise noted, the Parks & Recreation Committee meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at Town Hall (520 Main Street). Agenda will be posted 7 days prior to the meeting HERE.
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
More info TBA
Unless otherwise noted, the DRB meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Town Hall (520 Main Street) at 6:30pm. Agenda will be posted 7 days prior to the meeting HERE.
Unless otherwise specified, the Windermere Tree Board meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 9:30am in the Community Conference Room located at 614 Main Street. Agenda will be posted 7 days prior to the meeting HERE.
Tonight's meetings have been postponed. Otherwise noted, the Long Range Planning Committee meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 6 pm at Town Hall (520 Main Street). Next meeting: 05/23/24 - Agenda will be posted 7 days prior to the meeting HERE.
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
PUBLIC NOTICE: Review of Draft Tree Replacement Options from V3 Capital Some members of the Town Tree Board may be in attendance. 10:00 am / 614 Main Street, Building 200, Public Works Conference Room
Agenda This Workshop will be conducted Via Zoom at 6:00pm on April 23rd, 2024. Topic: Projects Update Workshop Time: Apr 23, 2024, 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting TC-Projects-Update-Workshop-04.23.24.pdf ( Meeting ID: 885 4231 9987 Passcode: 924430
Join us for a beautiful Friday at the Farmers Market! Find a new food you’re wild about, or a buy a friend a gift!
See Agenda Here This meeting will be held in zoom.
Wild about trying new foods, or hearing a new band? Join up with your friends and family at the Windermere Food Truck night!