Event Description
The Town of Windermere was recently approached by local charity, the Åcahand Foundation, and Red Rocket Studios regarding a free holiday concert series for Town residents to be held at Town Square Park from Monday, December 5 – Friday, December 9, 2022*, from 5pm – 9pm each evening.
This event is currently under review by the Town and will go before Town Council for final review at the September 7th Special Meeting. Town Staff wishes to meet with residents prior to the Town Council Meeting to answer questions and gain feedback.
In order to do so most effectively, we are inviting residents to a public Zoom workshop on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 at 6pm (Zoom information is below). As this is a public workshop, no RSVP is necessary.
Meeting ID: 897 4204 9291
Passcode: 878484
To view documents related to this proposed event, please click this link
*We are aware presentation materials found on the link above list the dates as 12/5 – 12/10. Due to a private rental at Town Hall on 12/10, no concert will take place that night should this event series move forward.