Robert Smith
Town Manager
(407) 876-2563 x 5324
Lilian Colli
Executive Assistant
(407) 876-2563 x 5321
Paulette David
Administrative Assistant
407-876-2563 x5327
Building Department
Brad Cornelius
WadeTrim (Zoning)
(813) 882-4373
Mark Jones
PDCS, LLC (Permitting)
(407) 277-9795
Code Enforcement
Stephen Zygaj
Code Enforcement Officer
(401) 876-2563 x 5330
Finance Department
Tara Vegel
Finance Director
(407) 876-2563 ext 5326
Theresa Syphers
Finance Clerk / HR Administrator
(407) 876-2563 x 5322
Police Department
Chief David Ogden
Chief of Police
(407) 876-3757
Deputy Chief Jayson Bonk
Deputy Chief of Police / FBI NA#291
(407) 876-3757
Sergeant Jeff Czwornog
Patrol Supervisor, Evidence Supervisor, Accreditation
(407) 876-3757 ext 5303
Sergeant Carlos Hernandez
Patrol Supervisor, Evidence, FTEP/Training Coordinator, Firearms
(407) 876-3757 ext 5304
Detective Mark Wilson
CID, ILO, Professional Standards, Recruiter, Community Liaison Coordinator
(407) 876-3757 ext 5306
Officer 3 Ryan Miller
Patrol Officer, Off-Duty Coordinator, FTO
(407) 876-3757
Officer 1 Jerrell Ogletree
Patrol Officer, FTO, RITE, Honor Guard
(407) 876-3757
Officer 1 Cameron DeCarlo
Patrol Officer, FTO, Firearms
(407) 876-3757
Officer Rich Vnencak
Patrol Officer, FTO
(407) 876-3757
Officer Sarah Hoffmann
Patrol Officer, Community Liaison
(407) 876-3757
Officer Melissa Counts
Patrol Officer, Community Liaison
(407) 876-3757
Officer Jonathan Cassin
Patrol Officer
(407) 876-3757
Officer Carissa Ramirez
Patrol Officer
(407) 876-3757
Lieutenant John Alcalde
Reserve Supervisor, FTO
(407) 876-3757
Sergeant CJ Burrell
Reserve Supervisor, Honor Guard
(407) 876-3757
Officer Jeff Bacigalupi
Reserve Officer, Honor Guard
(407) 876-3757
Officer Patrick Husic
Reserve Officer
(407) 876-3757
Officer Brian Miller
Reserve Administrative Officer, Firearms
(407) 876-3757
John Allen
(407) 876-3757
Mark DeStefano
Volunteer, CISM, Honor Guard
(407) 876-3757
Chaplain Andy Jones
(407) 876-3757
Chaplain Wes Beacham
(407) 876-3757
Jennifer Treadwell
Accreditation Manager
(407) 876-3757
Danyel Hylton
Police Clerk / Administrative Assistant
(407) 876-3757
David Freeman
Ruth Marcus
School Crossing Guard
(407) 876-3757
Carrie Battles
School Crossing Guard
(407) 876-3757
Rebecca Sipek
School Crossing Guard
(407) 876-3757
Carolyn Lewis
School Crossing Guard
(407) 876-3757
Public Works
Tonya Elliott-Moore
Public Works Director
(321) 299-2410
Travis Mathias
Public Works Operations Manager
(321) 299-2409
Brian Hichens
Public Works
(407) 876-2563
Wesley Cannon
Kelly Wooddell
PW Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
407-876-2563 x5333
Town Clerk
Dorothy Burkhalter
Town Clerk
(407) 876-2563 x 5323
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Phone: 407-876-2563