The Official Website of the Town of Windermere

Code Enforcement - Official Website of the Town of Windermere, Florida

Code Enforcement

Contact Info

Code Enforcement ensures compliance with the Town’s codes and ordinances relating to:

  • Minimum Housing Standards
  • Yard Maintenance Standards
  • Junk, Trash and Debris Removal
  • Zoning Enforcement
  • Minimum Maintenance Standards for Commercial Properties
  • Illegal Signage
  • Disabled and Inoperable Vehicles


Violators are provided time to correct violations and administrative hearings are scheduled for those that are not corrected.


Office hours:


Mondays 9am – 12pm

Wednesdays 9am – 12pm


The Code Enforcement Desk is located at 614 Main Street, Building 200 (Public Works)


If you have a code complaint, question about a violation, or need any additional information relative to compliance issues, please contact:

Code Enforcement
Officer Theresa Rodriguez
407-876-2563 x 5330


Governor DeSantis signed CS/SB 60 — County and Municipal Code Enforcement, which prohibits Code Enforcement from accepting anonymous complaints. The complainant must give his or her name and address before a case can begin. The only exception to this new law, is if the violation being reported is a threat to public health, safety or welfare. These changes took effect 7/1/2021. The bill has been included below.


Please note, if you are unsatisfied with this bill, please reach out to your Florida State legislators directly. Windermere residents, your representatives are:
Representative Geraldine Thompson – (407) 245-0288
Senator Vic Torres – (407) 846-5187


CS/SB 60 — County and Municipal Code Enforcement

by Community Affairs Committee and Senator Bradley (CS/CS/CS/HB 883 by State Affairs Committee, Public Integrity and Elections Committee, Local Administration and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee, and Rep. Overdorf)


This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.


Prepared by: Community Affairs Committee (CA)


Code enforcement is a function of local government intended to enhance the economy and quality of life of counties and municipalities by protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Local governments designate code inspectors or code enforcement officers to investigate potential code violations, provide notice of violations, and issue citations for noncompliance. However, such officials do not possess police powers.


CS/SB 60 amends the county and municipal code enforcement statutes to prohibit county and municipal code inspectors and code enforcement officers from initiating an investigation into violations of city or county codes or ordinances based upon an anonymous complaint. It also requires that an individual making a complaint of a potential violation provide his or her name and address to the local government body before an investigation may occur.


The prohibition does not apply if the code inspector or code enforcement officer has reason to believe the alleged violation presents an imminent threat to public health, safety, or welfare or imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resources.


If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2021.

Vote: Senate 27-11; House 81-35