NewsUse the search function below to pull up news posts related to certain topics.SearchFilter categoryAll CategoriesBudgetCovid-19Employment OpportunitiesEventsHolidays – Town Offices CLOSEDMeetingsParksProjects UpdatesPublic WorksTown Offices ClosedTraffic & SafetyUncategorizedWorkshops Lake Butler is Cleared!Friday, February 07, 2025Read MoreLake Down Update: Seasonal Pollen Identified!Tuesday, February 04, 2025Read MoreRoad Closure NotificationWednesday, January 29, 2025326 Magnolia Street will have a road closure to repair a water line. Barricades [...]Read MoreLighting of The Centennial Flames CeremonyThursday, January 23, 2025Read MorePower Restored!Wednesday, January 22, 2025Power Restored Location: 11606 Lake Butler Blvd Status: The power line has been fixed.Read MoreBecome a Member of our HPB!Wednesday, January 15, 2025We are looking for a volunteer to join the Historic Preservation Board. [...]Read MoreUpdates to Vote-by-Mail ProceduresTuesday, January 14, 2025Vote-by-mail requests expire after each federal general election [...]Read MoreRoad Closure Notice: Main St. on 12/31st!Friday, December 27, 2024Read MoreCentennial Celebration!Monday, December 23, 2024Centennial Celebration Read MorePosts navigation1 2 3 … 10 Next »